I received an email with the subject line, ‘Please Note – Meeting Advanced to 3 pm-NRE’
I got the message right and reached the meeting venue at 02.50 pm. But, for the life of me, I was baffled with ‘NRE’. After the meeting, I met the person who wrote this subject line and asked what it meant. Here is the answer. It means, ‘No Response Expected’.
Are you using abbreviations that don’t make sense to others? A good practice is to give the expansion the first time so that people understand what you mean.
Interestingly, there are a few abbreviations that can be used in subject lines. The first is of course ‘NRE’ at the end of the subject line to mean, ‘please don’t bother responding to this email’. It is only information and needs no acknowledgement.
Here are some more that are becoming popular.
1.FR – For Review
Example: FR – Meeting Notes
2.MI – Meeting Information
Example: MI – Need PPTs in a Pen Drive
3.TC – Time Critical
Example: TC – Status Report Req for Client Meeting
4.EOM – End of Message
Example: Client Meeting Cancelled
5.TBF – To be Forwarded
Example TBF: Status Report
6.OoO – Out of Office
Example: OoO Till 4 PM
7.AB – Action By
Example: AB: Rita to Meet Client
8.AR – Action Requested
Example: AR: Review SOPs
9.LET – Leaving Early Today
Example: LET on Personal Work
10.RR – Reply Requested
Example: RR – Feedback on Proposal
Begin using these abbreviations internally first. Also, give the expanded form the first time so that no one is left wondering what you are saying. Then of course, there’s always Google!
This assessment provides useful insight into the candidate’s ability to comprehend text & make
inferences, and gauge their writing skills. The assessment provides a complete overview of the
1. Ability to understand texts and information of various difficulty levels
2. Ability to retrieve information, link information, and reflect on text
3. Ability to analyze information and present it in grammatically correct and simple language
4. Aptitude for written business communication
The Reading & Writing Assessment can be customised for any level and function in any industry. The
assessment can be customized for the following industries: IT, ITeS Manufacturing, Banking &
Finance, Insurance, Retail, KPOs, FMCG, Hospitality and Healthcare.
The Reading & Writing Assessment helps decide on a role and function for the candidate – one that
requires exceptional written communication skills and good cognitive abilities. The assessment
• the candidate’s ability to write grammatically correct and well-structured sentences
• ability to analyze and write with logic
• unity and organization in writing
• verbal aptitude and clarity in expression of opinions and ideas
• reading comprehension strategies: Prior knowledge, making connections, questioning,
visualising, inferring, summarising, evaluating, and synthesising.
The 90-minute Reading & Writing Assessment consists of:
1. Email writing: Two scenarios to check response in different contexts
2. Descriptive writing: To check understanding and interpretation of pictorial and graphical
3. Sentence correction, sentence formation and jumbled sentences: To check mechanics and
4. Reading comprehension (long & short passages) of three difficulty levels and a range of text
types – imaginative, information, and argument: To check the use of all reading strategies
This complete communication assessment provides useful insight into the writing skills, reading
comprehension, speaking and listening skills of a candidate. It checks the candidate’s aptitude for
writing with clarity; their ability to understand, retrieve and analyse information from texts; follow
and understand verbal communication; expression of ideas and opinions with clarity; and speak and
write grammatically correct English.
This assessment can be customised for any level and function in any industry. The assessment can be
customised for the following industries: IT, ITeS Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, Insurance, Retail,
KPOs, FMCG, Hospitality and Healthcare.
This assessment helps decide on a role and function for the candidate – one that requires
exceptional written and verbal communication skills. The assessment checks:
• the candidate’s ability to speak and write grammatically correct English
• ability to analyze and organize information
• analysis and synthesis of verbal communication
• unity and clarity in writing and speaking
• verbal aptitude and expression of opinions and ideas
• ability to infer and make connections when interpreting information
• ability to communicate effectively verbally
This 120-minute comprehensive communication assessment consists of:
1. Email writing: Two scenarios to check response in different contexts
2. Descriptive writing: To check understanding and interpretation of pictorial and graphical
3. Sentence correction, sentence formation and jumbled sentences: To check mechanics and
4. Reading comprehension (long & short passages) of three difficulty levels and a range of text
types: imaginative, information, and argument: To check the use of all reading strategies
5. Three listening passages of different difficulty levels: To check listening for specific
information, literal and inferential comprehension, attention span, attention to detail, ability
to paraphrase, ability to recall information and analyse & prioritise information
6. Three speaking topics of different difficulty levels: To check ability to warm up and start a
conversation, structuring of thoughts and ideas, expression of opinions, and grammatically
correct language
7. Grammar test to check crucial concepts such as: subject-verb agreement, tenses, articles,
prepositions, pronouns, punctuation and capitalisation
The listening component of the Listening & Speaking Assessment checks the candidate’s ability to
follow, understand, and evaluate verbal information. The speaking component of the assessment
checks the ability to verbally present information and express an opinion with confidence and clarity.
The assessment provides a comprehensive report of the candidate’s verbal communication
strengths and weaknesses.
The Listening & Speaking Assessment can be customised for any level and function in any industry.
The assessment can be customized for the following industries: IT, ITeS Manufacturing, Banking &
Finance, Insurance, Retail, KPOs, FMCG, Hospitality and Healthcare.
The Listening & Speaking Assessment helps decide on a role and function for the candidate – one
that requires exceptional verbal communication skills. The assessment checks:
• the candidate’s ability to understand the spoken word
• analysis and synthesis of verbal information
• delivery and organization of content
• ability to inform and persuade verbally
• ability to speak grammatically correct English
The 60-minute Listening & Speaking Assessment consists of:
1. Three listening passages of different difficulty levels: To check listening for specific
information, literal and inferential comprehension, attention span, attention to detail, ability
to paraphrase, ability to recall information and analyze & prioritize information
2. Three speaking topics of different difficulty levels: To check ability to warm up and start a
conversation, structuring of thoughts and ideas, expression of opinions, and grammatically
correct language
The writing assessment provides useful insight into the writing skills and abilities of
a candidate. It checks the candidate’s aptitude for writing with clarity, language and
coherence. It also evaluates the candidate’s tone, style and vocabulary in business
The Writing Assessment can be customized for any level and function in any
industry. The assessment can be customized for the following industries: IT, ITeS
Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, Insurance, Retail, KPOs, FMCG, Hospitality and
The Writing Assessment helps decide on a role and function for the candidate – one
that requires exceptional written communication skills. The assessment checks:
• the candidate’s ability to write grammatically correct and well-structured
• ability to analyze and write with logic & relevance
• unity and organization in writing
• verbal aptitude and clarity in expression of opinions and ideas
The 90-minute Writing Assessment consists of:
1. Email writing: Two scenarios to check response in different contexts
2. Descriptive writing: To check understanding and interpretation of pictorial
and graphical information
3. Narrative writing: To check ability to narrate events and incidents
4. Guided writing: To check ability to handle directed or controlled writing tasks
5. Sentence correction, sentence formation and jumbled sentences: To check
mechanics and grammar
This objective type, grammar test provides a report on the candidate’s knowledge of
English grammar and ability to communicate in grammatically correct English.
The test checks the candidates on various grammar concepts, as well as
punctuation, capitalisation, and spelling mistakes.
The Grammar Assessment can be customized for any level and function with
industry-specific test questions. The assessment can be customized for the
following industries: IT, ITeS Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, Insurance, Retail,
KPOs, FMCG, Hospitality and Healthcare.
The 45-minute Grammar Assessment will consist of 50 objective-type questions
that will check the following:
• Subject-verb agreement
• Sentence structure
• Conjunctions
• Tenses
• Articles
• Prepositions
• Pronouns
• Singular plural
• Punctuation
• Spellings
• Collocation of words
• Modals
• Capitalization
With the global business world relying on high speed messages to make desicions, people want immediate and accurate replies. This three day course helps you brush up your grammar, punctuation and writing style that will make your writing clear and succinct.
1. An online pre assessment will gauge your proficiency in writing skills.
2. During the training you are assigned exercises that help you practice what you learn in the training.
3. At the end of the course, you take a post assessment that will help you assess your improvement in writing after the training.
• write with increased confidence to both internal and external clients
• use correct punctuation and grammar
• eliminate common errors in writing
• display an understanding of effective business communication
• write well structured messages that donʼt confuse the reader
• write in a professional language that appeals to a global audience
Review the rules of grammar
Avoiding the pitfalls of incorrect punctuation
Structuring your writing to add clarity to your writing
Cutting out unnecessary words and phrases
Writing with the reader in mind
The end result – is it clear, accurate, professional?
Meaningful subject lines
Ending with action points
Using words and phrases that have a global acceptance
Avoiding negative words
Building a professional style
This course helps you to plan your writing, perfect your grammar, and assess your style and tone to write professionally.
1. You begin with an online pre assessment that helps you understand your email writing skills.
2. During the training you are assigned online exercises that help you practice what you learn in the training.
3. After the training you are assigned a coach who reviews your emails and provides feedback that helps you apply the newly-learnt skills.
4. At the end of coaching, you take a post assessment that will help you assess the improvement in writing after the training.
Most of the course is delivered online with few classroom sessions. Based on your learning needs, the duration can be customised.
• plan the structure of your emails for better readability and comprehension
• overcome the ‘blank screen’ syndrome and reduce the time it takes to write
• write keeping the reader’s needs in mind
• apply tips that help you build a tone and style appropriate to the reader
• avoid common mistakes that have a negative impact on your professional image
Mind Map
Planning the structure of the email
Organisation that makes your writing easy to understand
Eliminating grammar errors and punctuation faux pas
Writing meaningful subject lines
Tailoring the message to the reader’s needs
Is the reader clear as to WHY you are writing?
How can you professionally
– deal with complaints
– give information
– get a result
– persuade the reader
Is my style appropriate to the situation and reader?
Writing effective opening lines
Action points that get you results
This one day course is important to achieve a successful working relationship with your team members.
1. A pre course questionnaire on how feedback is given by the participants, and the expected behaviours to be displayed after the course are captured to make the training relevant.
• define feedback and when it should be used
• deliver appropriate feedback to your team members
• give feedback to help you build on your team members strengths
• create a conducive environment for feedback
What is effective feedback?
When to deliver feedback?
The benefits of feedback
Defining feedback – the difference between praise and feedback
Constructive feedback to develop individuals
Instant feedback vs formal feedback
Preparing for the feedback meeting
Setting SMART objectives to ensure action
Remaining assertive
Listening to the receiverʼs feedback
Remaining calm and not becoming emotional or aggressive during feedback
Preparing an Action Plan for use in the workplace
You need to influence your team in many ways and persuade them to achieve what you expect. This course will help you to approach every communication as one that is result oriented.
1. You will receive a pre course questionnaire that will help you set the context of the course and the information you provide will help us understand how you plan to use the skills from this workshop.
2. The training is instructor led with role plays and scenarios for practice.
• practice and apply the principles of influencing skills
• steer communication towards building rapport
• practice and apply the principles of negotiation
Expressing your views, ideas and requests with confidence
Listening for unstated needs
Using assertive communication
The laws of reciprocation
Tips and techniques of negotiations
Pre-negotiation – preparation and planning
Summarising for a win-win result
Preparing a Personal Action Plan to support your return to the workplace.
Most meetings end with no action plans. How does one avoid this? This course helps you make your meeting time effective.
This course can be customised for tele meetings.
This four hours course is instructor led with simulations that teach you practical techniques to make business meetings effective.
• structure and conduct meetings to achieve objectives
• create an environment that is conducive for participants to contribute
• assign roles and keep to time
• deal with difficult situations or members.
Setting the objective of the meeting
Preparing the agenda
Structuring the various phases of the meeting
Identifying clearly the roles and responsibilities of the chairperson
Adopting the appropriate tone and structure
Assigning meeting roles
Establishing the relevance and pertinence, time and duration
Techniques to lead and involve the team in the meeting
How to make interaction easy
Handling difficult attendees
Taking control of time and distractions
Encouraging participation from all attendees
Questioning and listening techniques
Identifying the key message and the needs of the audience
Handling misunderstandings
Maintaining assertiveness
Following effective reviews
Mastering summarising techniques
As a professional you come across many tricky situations that, if not handled well, can change the relationship. When you are prepared, you handle it with élan.
This six hours course is instructor led with plenty of role plays and interactive exercises that make learning fun.
• be prepared for unexpected situations in the corporate scenario
• present yourself as a professional
• manage your image and respond with confidence
• be sensitive to others while interacting professionally
Presenting yourself as a professional
Perfecting the handshake
Handling introductions
Compliments – when and how
Small talk and networking
Conversation killers
Telephone and email etiquette
• The dos and donʼts in dressing
• Clothes and corporate culture
• Packaging oneself
• Handling cultural differences in the business arena
• Quick tips to handle challenging situations
This workshop will help you plan, prepare, practice and deliver presentations with greater confidence and control.
1. You come prepared with a five minute presentation that you will present to the class.
2. You are evaluated on your presentation skills by the facilitator.
3. The facilitator takes you through the session on presentation skills.
4. You present the second time incorporating the learning from the session.
5. You receive feedback on the second presentation and review the difference in both the presentations.
• plan and prepare your presentation more effectively
• keep your audience engaged
• handle difficult situations with confidence
• interact with the audience, taking questions and feedback
Meeting the needs of the audience
Aims and objectives – focussing on the audience
Preparing your content and delivery notes
Practising your delivery and timing
Confidence and its effect on the audience
Relaxation techniques to ease anxiety
An evaluation of your body language and image
Positive language and appropriate gestures
Connect and interact with your audience
Using your voice effectively
Use effective and appropriate visual aids
Formulating a personal action plan
This course helps you write proposals that gets the readerʼs attention and sets him thinking on what you are proposing.
1. A pre course questionnaire to understand your expectations from the course.
2. A review of the proposals you write by our facilitator will be followed by a classroom session and coaching.
• write with the objective in mind
• create proposals that speak benefits
• make your writing engaging, informative and creative
• make your proposal visually appealing
Understanding the clientʼs business and organization structure
Understanding the audienceʼs needs
Articulating the objective of the proposal
Planning the structure
Organizing the content
Writing the benefit statement
Providing relevant information
Creating the visual appeal
This one day course helps you plan, structure and write reports by taking you through practical exercises and discussions.
1. A facilitator-led classroom program that gives you plenty of opportunity to write and seek feedback.
2. Participants share a sample of the reports with the facilitator before the training to ensure the learning is personalised to each participantsʼ needs.
• plan, structure and organise your report
• create a cohesiveness by building transitions in the structure
• write with the objective of the report in mind
• the overall design element
Planning the structure
Sequencing the report
Use expressions that connect you with the reader
Adopt a style that fits in with the objective of the report
The beginning, middle and end
Create visuals to enhance the appeal of your document
This program is all about how you communicate with others. A one-on-one coaching program that takes stock of what results you want to achieve, and together we work towards achieving them.
1. We begin with an evaluation of your writing needs and an assessment to gauge your writing skills.
2. A coach is assigned to review your emails and give you feedback that helps you put into practice tips and techniques of power writing.
3. At the end of the course, you evaluate your writing skills and develop an action plan.
• develop an online image that is professional
• write and respond with confidence to a variety of situations
Understanding the audienceʼs psyche
Writing to the situation
Controlling emotional triggers by identifying unconscious messages
How do you want others to see you?
Conveying the message right
Creating a resonance and collaboration – no matter what
Giving feedback
Assertive yet collaborative
Responding to customer demands and complaints