Will TC get the RR?

by Sharmila Gautama

I received an email with the subject line, ‘Please Note – Meeting Advanced to 3 pm-NRE’

I got the message right and reached the meeting venue at 02.50 pm. But, for the life of me, I was baffled with ‘NRE’. After the meeting, I met the person who wrote this subject line and asked what it meant. Here is the answer. It means, ‘No Response Expected’.

Are you using abbreviations that don’t make sense to others? A good practice is to give the expansion the first time so that people understand what you mean.

Interestingly, there are a few abbreviations that can be used in subject lines. The first is of course ‘NRE’ at the end of the subject line to mean, ‘please don’t bother responding to this email’. It is only information and needs no acknowledgement.

Here are some more that are becoming popular.

1.FR – For Review
Example: FR – Meeting Notes

2.MI – Meeting Information
Example: MI – Need PPTs in a Pen Drive

3.TC – Time Critical
Example: TC – Status Report Req for Client Meeting

4.EOM – End of Message
Example: Client Meeting Cancelled

5.TBF – To be Forwarded
Example TBF: Status Report

6.OoO – Out of Office
Example: OoO Till 4 PM

7.AB – Action By
Example: AB: Rita to Meet Client

8.AR – Action Requested
Example: AR: Review SOPs

9.LET – Leaving Early Today
Example: LET on Personal Work

10.RR – Reply Requested
Example: RR – Feedback on Proposal

Begin using these abbreviations internally first. Also, give the expanded form the first time so that no one is left wondering what you are saying. Then of course, there’s always Google!
