Staying productive through the holidays

It’s important that you take a break these holidays (especially if you haven’t taken one through the year). But then, you can be productive even while on vacation.

First of all, spend a good amount of time to reflect on the year. Assess what worked or didn’t work for you personally and for the workplace, is there a need for a total change in plan, etc. Ask yourself whether or not you need to change work processes, schedules, reassign tasks, etc.

To be able to undertake this exercise you should take note of significant decisions and activities. It’s important that you are objective and shrewd in your assessment.

With the first step over, you need to focus on the year ahead. Keep and/or improve the things that worked for you. Also, see how you can realign and readjust the plans that didn’t yield maximum output to make them more productive.

You have answers from your reassessment exercise; use them to move the business ahead.

The holidays are a perfect time to reach out and reconnect with others.  Broaden the base of your business by networking with new professionals and clients. You can email or have video or voice calls, depending on what people are comfortable with. LinkedIn is a great place to start connecting with new professionals.

Reconfigure and calibrate workplace policies and approaches, from social media plan to marketing strategies, as you get in touch with these new professionals.

Plan your vacation too. Include time for fun activities, eat well, exercise and get good rest.

It’s time to make headway in your career. Take advantage of the holidays.
