Let’s meet ‘coming’ Wednesday!

by Sharmila Gautama

This is one expression that I have heard so often that I am worried I might use it myself!

I really don’t know if this is an Indian ‘thing’, or to be more specific a South Indian ‘thing’. Perhaps, you can help me with that. If you are from other parts of India, let me know if this is common in your region too.

‘Coming Wednesday’ is used to mean ‘Wednesday of this week’ (this Wednesday).

Most participants in my training class will ask me if they have a class ‘coming Friday’. What they really mean is if there is a class on ‘this Friday’. So, I first correct them and then answer their question.

Next time you hear this expression, you could try asking if the person is from South India. If yes, please let me know. I have heard this more here than in other parts of India.
